Punto Verde


This project was devlop in my 4th year or architectural school with Professors David Baena and Manel PeribaƱez.

The project implements a waste collection centre. It will receive waste that is not recyclable in the containers at street level, giving citizens the possibility to recycle most of their waste.

The structure consists of four rectangular-shaped rings linked together with beams. Two rings will complete the unit accommodating the office and the toilet for the operator who will be in charge of the recycle center. This will be the only part of the center with thermal and acoustic insulation, leaving the part reserved for users at room temperature, creating constant natural ventilation. The sliding side doors allow full opening, leaving both sides of the green space completely open for user access.

The rainwater drainage will be integrated into the roof, creating a horizontal channel which, while evacuating the water, provides the light points for the lighting of the green point. The vertical channel will be integrated into the wall, avoiding the need for visible conduits.

The containers will be placed in the centre of the complex, avoiding solar radiation and creating a didactic and natural circulation for the users. The block in turn has no contact with the ceiling to avoid a thermal bridge. It will have an entrance for the evacuation of waste, and 16 side gates with the opening controlled from the office.